Wednesday 30 May 2012


Last week I was walking my dog through the streets and one thing kept bugging me FAKE GRASSS!!!

Picure sourced from

This ugly plastic cover appears in the front garden of every second household.  It has no purpose in the garden as I can see it.  The surface does not aesthetically appeal to me. It looks very plastic and shows no aesthetic beauty. There is nothing better than going out your front door and seeing a lush green lawn.  And yes it may take some effort but the reward is worth it.  If you choose the right lawn it can be low maintenance and aesthetically pleasing.  At home we have some Sir Walter Buffalo.  This grass is very low maintenance; it only had to have sufficient water for the first few weeks and after that no watering is need and rainfall is sufficient to water it.  The grass can with stand high temperatures and browns off only a little.  The grass does not grow too rapidly so it can be kept out of gardens a lot easier then kikuyu.
Picture sourced from

Grass also offers a cool enjoyable place to relax and read, unlike the fake stuff that is hot and un pleasant.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Welcome to my blog
I am Julian O’Leary and for my first blog I am going to reflect on my favourite plant, Betula pendula, or commonly know as Silver Birch.  The plant originates from Europe and North Asia in dense groupings.  They are a deciduous and can grow up to 30m.  Birches have a nice white bark at maturity which is a lot of fun to peel off as a child

The reason I love this plant is because of my young childhood.  In our backyard we had a large and mature Birch which would have reached 20meters into the sky above.  It was a strong and thick foliated tree providing a lot of coverage to hide in.  At the front of the house we also had a smaller one that was roughly 8meters tall with plenty of forks to wedge myself in. I would always go climbing up the trees having fun, hiding or just relaxing usually spending hours up there.

These trees provide plenty of entertainment for kids but are also very practical.  Due the silver birch being a deciduous tree they keep the hot summer heat out providing a cool place to rest.  During winter they lose all their foliage allowing sunlight to come through and warm up the area.

I recommend each and every one of you to go to your local nursery and buy one of these trees and start enjoying these magical trees today!!!!